Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black Friday and Cyber Monday

As the name suggests, "Cyber" Monday is for online shoppers whose insatiable hunger for shopping didn't stop at the malls on Black Friday but continued to the Monday that came after the weekend in which they were buying the "leftovers" from the Friday sale.

If you thought that people had enough, you couldn't be more mistaken!!!...these days mark the beginning of the "holiday" shopping season.

Suddenly, I'm dying to own a credit card because of all of these luring sales.

Not a credit card for myself but ones others can use, you know something like a credit card company (aka bank).

What would be better than forcing people to buy something that they don't have the money for and then, getting them to pay you back twice the amount for something they didn't need in the first place?

Sounds like a win-win as long as you're not on the receiving end, or wait, well if you're receiving the credit card payments, with interest (plus late fees, assuming they couldn't pay you at all, forget later), then, you NEED to be on the receiving end.

What's even better is, if all of them collectively default, you're at the brink of bankruptcy. Sounds scary? Nope! that's when you de-privatize your losses and collect taxes to bail you out.

Now, you might be thinking, "Wait, are you suggesting, extortion?" No! not at all! how can I?
You are just being bailed out by those same people who weren't paying you to begin with.

"How?" you ask. Well they don't know that they are bailing you out, you just get their taxes; they could've skipped their tax payments and paid you instead because there would've been no difference.

Speaking of skipping tax payments, you can do that too once your in that position; in a building on an island that has 100+ offices on the same floor. You can also check out other mini-island-countries. But if you can't decide which island to go to, you can always be neutral in your decision and go to Switzerland.

And yea, it's not actually bailing, when they're doing themselves a favor, because if you fail, they won't be able to bare the consequences.

Now, until you get a job at a financial institution and start receiving hefty bonuses, you can just sadistically enjoy what it would feel like to be rich in modern times.

Since, it will not happen, at least, anytime soon, check out this link:

The top 101 online stores to visit for holiday coupons, deals and sales.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

There's more!

A scary insight of the how the world is being shaped and some predictions based on the current trends.

Since I am writing a blog myself, I guess I should have already noticed this outburst of technology.

What is important to gain from this is that, we should keep up with the times or, as the videos show, be outdated within a span of just 2 years.

Click on it and watch in HD

Thanks to HuffPost!


Did you know?

All I can say is "I didn't!!!" and now that I do...I am scared!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rani of Jhansi

Here is a letter found in London by scholars, accredited to the Rani of Jhansi, a queen and wife of the Raja of Jhansi who ruled, ofcourse, the state of Jhansi during the pre-1947 India.

She married when she was 14 and as a young girl, she learned horse-riding due to her father's influential position in the local courts.

Her husband died, some say, due to severe depression caused by the death of his new-born son.

She died in the 1857 rebellion of Indians against the Colonial rule of the British East India Company (EIC), which entered India deceptively claiming to partake in business.

The cover was blown and this "mutiny" as the British call it (most fighters were serving colonized soldiers) initiated a wider, independence movement sparked by a revival of self-determination. This cultural pride, unfortunately, led to widespread bigotry in some communities of the subcontinent.

This letter, as can be clearly seen is written in the Persian script, which would embarrass the proponents of the Out-of-India theory, which suggests that the Muslims and Christians don't belong in India as their forefathers were 'foreign' Mongol (Mughals) and British respectively.

Unlike the British, the Muslims stayed and were part of the Indian subcontinent and so are the Christians that did not leave alongside their colonial "forefathers" upon Independence.

This bigotry is promoted for political purposes but the reason to mention these issues is that Jhansi was a part of the Maratha Empire that Mr. Balasaheb Thackeray and his Shiv Sena (party) claim the throne of.

If this letter is in the Persian script, would that make her foreign too?

Without politicizing a revered legendary personality anymore, I will briefly explain the letter:

She writes to the Governor General of EIC, Lord Dalhousie about her husband's death.

According to the EIC policy, a state was to be engulfed because it was considered "unjust" and this threat caused her to enter the Rebellion or Mutiny (depending on which side of history one considers rightful).

The words are too small to read (if one can understand) but just a glimpse may be sufficient to cause goosebumps, especially when considering its historical context.

World Fat Map

Speaking of food for which Col. Gaddafi visited Rome, here is an interesting map showing the world with respect to the per capita food intake of each country.

Some countries are already massive based on their original land size so this map changes that; all nations don't start from the same size.

The change can be observed when placed in juxtaposition to the real world map.

Population is an important factor to consider in this FatMap since it represents the nations "per-capita".

This map has been compiled by the World Food Program (WFP) and was obtained from the following source:

A blog on HuffingtonPost by Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein

Muammar Al-Gaddafi

First of all, I like to pronounce the names of people, especially "ethnic" names as they are supposed to be pronounced according to their ethno-linguistic backgrounds.

Therefore, here is a link to the pronunciation of Mr. Gaddafi's name as he would pronounce it

There is much to be shared about Mr. Gaddafi such as his interesting Bedouin tent in which he stays during foreign, state-level, diplomatic visits and his UN speech (aka rant) that went over the 15 minute time limit by 83 minutes.

But this video shows Mr. Gaddafi in Rome for the UN Food Summit. Well, without giving away too much information about what took place, check out Libya's "mission" to the UN in Rome.

Carrie Prejean

Let's start off the blog with something foolish that I came across yesterday on Youtube. The intention is not to make this blog into a "tabloid" and to share stupid things celebrities or wannabe celebrities do.

This woman participated in a pageant where she revealed her homophobia for which she lost the potential title of "Ms. California". She went on to suggest that she would rather be "biblically" correct instead of being "politically" correct.

Whatever the case, she decided to file a lawsuit. The purpose behind sharing this is to show how incapable people are when it comes to interpreting basic questions these days.

Larry King asks her in three different ways, WHY she decided to file a lawsuit and go through the mediation process. She interprets that as him asking about WHAT took place during the "confidential" meeting.



"This blog is mine" because it is a reflection of what I am doing on the internet and an easier way for my family and friends (if I have any) to keep in touch with the information that I am sometimes unable to pass on to them in person.

It is a hobby for me to spend time on the internet searching for informative, yet interesting things that I occasionally share.

Due to recent busy schedules and reclusive lives that we have developed, I find a blog is an easier way to share info. instead of flooding an inbox. Striving to maintain someone's attention in person is much harder and much more difficult even if a link is sent online.

The reason is that people in free societies don't like to be told what to do even in a friendly tone. If they get the slightest hint of being directed to do something, such as checking out a link, they won't do it unless they find it for themselves while surfing the net.

Therefore, the objective is to share the same info. in a much more convenient way; by updating the blog instead of telling each person, individually, everything I saw today.